Penis Kavez Transparent 11


Consisting of three perfectly fitting parts, ManCage Model 11 is quick and easy to assemble.
Two guiding pins connect the upper parts and the oval conical pin links the cage to the rings. They come in different sizes and you can use them according to your preference. Whether you prefer a loose fit or tingling tightness. In addition, the distance pieces provide additional individual adjustability.

Additional stimulation is provided by the attachable/removable anal plug. This way you can also enjoy hot excitement on the move. Its origin remains hidden to the people around you.
You can choose between a conventional padlock or tie wraps (included in delivery), offering a wide range of possible uses. Either at home in the bedroom or with the plastic tie wraps for festivals or when travelling by plane, as no metal detector will detect your secret.

Made of high-quality polycarbonate, this toy is hypoallergenic and particularly durable.
A large number of openings on the chastity cage provide sufficient ventilation for your skin and a hole at the tip for urination provides additional hygiene.

Despite the stimulation of the butt plug and the excitement of your “prison”, ManCage prevents any erection, which results in an all the more extreme lust explosion after release.

Materijal: polikarbonat
Dužina kaveza: 11.5 cm
Promjer kaveza: 3.5 cm
Promjeri podesivih prstena: 4.5 cm, 5 cm, 5.5 cm, 6 cm
Dužina pluga: 6.5 cm
Promjer pluga: 2.5 cm
Brand: Mancage

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ID: 46444
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